Age range: 1.5 to 3 years old
Teacher: Student 1:8
Duration: 75 mins (per session)
Class schedule: 3 days/ week
Semi-independent class

Our newly structured Discovery Lite Programme is specially designed for the young ones who are striving for independence, social, emotional, self-help, and physical development skills necessary for future learning. Together time thus promotes family bonding.
Our programme inspires your child to examine, create, and share as he broadens his language through interactions with his teachers and classmates in a safe, nurturing environment. Sensory and routine based activities transform these new experiences into knowledge.
The thematic approach covers topics from stories, nursery rhymes to phonics thus enhancing language and literacy skills.
Our Discover Programme incorporates music, art, dramatic play and science to encourage and shape your child’s creativity and imagination.
Discovery Lite 課程元素豐富活潑,包括主題教學,利用故事、詩歌、拼音、數學、藝術、體能、音樂等活動增強小朋友的創造力和想像力,更提供空間讓幼兒探索,父母亦能透過遊戲中與孩子建立親密信任的關係。課程安排上會讓兒童有個人的獨立時間以啟發孩子主動探索,學習常規,建立自理能力及獨立能力,提升他們的表達能力和語言理解,更易投入群體生活,從而建立良好的社交能力。
Discovery Lite Gallery
These series of programme meets the
• USA early childhood requirements of the
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
• Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
framework in the UK
• Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFR)
developed by the Council of Europe
• TESOL English Language Proficiency
Standards for Pre-K