Age range: 1 to 2 years old
Duration : 60 mins (per session)
Teacher : Student 1:6
Little Tots is a programme aimed at our youngest learners just beginning to walk on their own and developing new relationships with others.
In this programme we strive not only to teach children the early concepts through music and group play but we also focus on assisting you as a parent in finding new and engaging ways to interact with your child as part of the group.
Little Tots focuses on self-help, fine and gross motor skills, early concepts, understanding, and following instructions as well as early-age literacy skills by the means of storytelling as well as themes that our lessons are based on.
當幼兒學習步行,並開始與其他小孩溝通及互動,所有事物會變得新奇刺激,Little Tots課程正正有助促進幼兒的全面發展。
通過故事演講和課堂主題,Little Tots著重訓練幼兒的自理能力、大小肌肉運動、早期學習概念、理解和遵從指示及早期認字技巧。

Little Tots Gallery

These series of program meets the
• USA early childhood requirements of the
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
• Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
framework in the UK
• Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFR) developed
by the Council of Europe
• TESOL English Language Proficiency
Standards for Pre-K