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Speaking English with confidence is always at the top of parents’ wish list if we ask them about their desire for their child’s language ability. Some children find it hard to speak English – some because they are shy, some because they don't want (or don't like) to make mistakes. This course follows the UK Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which provides holistic development opportunities, so that the language they learnt can be used in a real-life situation.
「大聲有自信地說英語」— 相信是很多家長都希望孩子能夠做得到的,並認定是語言能力的首個必要。但是,由於種種原因導致孩子遲遲不開口,例如害羞、不想說錯、怕說錯。本課程根據UK Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum的教學大綱而設計,使學生能夠把學習應用在日常生活中。
How to help children speak English with confidence?

Here are the reasons why English Oral Booster with Kids Corner could help your child speak English in no time:
國際兒童學習坊的English Oral Booster可以幫助你的孩子在短時間內自信地說英語:

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